July 29 - 30, 2011 -- 2:45 hours to first base camp & 6 hours to summit / 11:30 - 2:30pm descend to base camp, 1:10 hours to car. Totals: 9 hours up & 4 hours down

Just one of the guys. Our two nephews and our son's friend, Kevin were on one line with me and Case in front. The "Germans": Mark Friessen, Randy Redicop, Mt. Hiebert + Trevor were on the other line.

Our first day we hiked to the first base camp on the Hog's Back.

Our destiniation for the next day.

View from Heliatrope Ridge.

Climbing the Hog's Back.

To bed at 9:00pm and wake up call was at 2:30am. By the time everyone had their gear on, water bottles filled and sunscreen applied, it was after 4:00am. A bit of a late start.

With the rising sun came rising temperatures.

The second base camp is close to the ice fall area.

At this point we came very close to having an accident. As we were peeling layers off, Case's phone fell out of his pocket and started sliding down the slope. He dove after it, forgetting that I was attached to him. I very nearly did a face-plant on the ice as seven men were yelling at Case to stop.

Once on the ridge the sun hit us full force.

Starting up the dreaded Roman Wall. It doesn't look steep in this photo but it certainly was.

Arjan, our nephew from Holland was only in Canada for 2 days before doing this climb. 45% of the Netherlands is below sea level. This thin air was especially challenging for him.

On the broad plateau just before the summit.

On top of the world! 3300m / 9:00am

Mt Shuksan to the right.

Heading back.

Mark Friessen was our leader. His brother, Roger hosts the Banff Film Festival annually in Mission.

Some still coming up at 11:00am. The snow was already getting quite soft.

I felt like I was moon walking as we descended the Roman Wall. Big weightless steps, sinking almost to my knees.

At the base of the Roman Wall Case gave in to exhaustion. This is where many climbers quit and turn back. Thankfully we all made it to the summit. For three in our group it was their first time.

While glissading on the way down, Case almost poked me in the back with his crampons a few times. So I detached myself from the rope and went solo the rest of the way to base camp. I had enough time for a nice nap before the whole group got there.

Passing the ice-fall area by the second base camp. Some of these chunks were the size of a truck.

Crevasses that were tiny cracks in the morning were gaping chasms in the afternoon.
Glad I had time for a good rest before strapping on the heavy overnight pack and doing the remainder of the descent.

Absolutely amazing Jocelyn. I got tired just looking at those packs and all that vertical you had to do.
One of the best moments in my life... As all the hikes with you were 👍🏻