February 3 - Stats: 9.2 km / 677m gain / 1842m high / 3:30 hours MT
This is another classic annual snowshoe. The forecast looked good for the morning but it didn't clear till the afternoon, when we were descending. Nevertheless, the absence of wind and the snow-crusted subalpine evergreens backed by a white sky, made for some interesting scenery...

Improvising. The bungy cord lasted all day, no problems. Thanks Janice!

Mt. Thar. This view was ours to enjoy only minutes from where we parked alongside Hwy. 5 by the Falls Lake exit.

We shared the mountain with only one other group that were training to be ski guides. Its a good thing to avoid doing this showshoe on weekends. Parking is limited.

The first part of the pipeline road is very steep. Thankfully there was only a few inches of fresh snow on an already well packed track -- south.

Mt. Thar to the right.

Anne wanted to take this pic because of our "interesting hats". We were now at the highest point on the pipeline road after one hour of climbing. FYI: I bought mine in Nepal. It's made of Yak wool.

We then turned left (west) into the forest.

After about half an hour we emerged into the subalpines.

In two hours we made it to our destination: the sub peak of Zoa.

This is a pic from another one of my albums. Just to show you what it looks like without cloud. I call these peaks the triplets: Thar, Nak & Yak.


Nestled at the foot of the very steep slopes of the Triplets, is Falls Lake.

Avalanche slopes leading to the peak. So it was a no go.

Group shot: Lori, me, Anne & Janice.
These Whisky Jacks were much more cautious of us humans than those in Manning Park & in the Vancouver North Shore area.

Heading back down.

A view towards the rolling hills of Merrit -- northeast.

We took our time on the return trip.

The sun started to peak through the cloud.

Pic 2: A clingy snowball.

Back at the pipeline with its long winter shadows.

The blue sky showed up a bit late for us. But those clouds were probably still hanging around the Triplets anyways.



Jim Kelly & Illal Peaks to the left -- south.

Coquihalla Mt. is in behind these ridges -- south.


Passing Thar & the western ridge.

Back at the base of the pipeline.

Passing two open corridors. The one to the right is how we access Thar. But you can also access it from a steep gully on the Falls Lake side or via the ridge connecting the Triplets.

Barriers were set up by this slope.

Two peaks bottom left: Nak & Thar. Center: Falls Lake Top left peak: Zoa
So sorry I missed this one, looks like it was very beautiful on Zoa.