May 29, 2021 - Stats: 14 km / 921m gain / 722m high point / 4:45 hours MT
Many of us had done the Harrison Grind before, not as many the lake and none of us had ever gone past the lake to a lovely viewpoint overlooking Harrison River and Lake. We had another large group of 22 that I split in 2.
Our group 2 started half an hour later than group 1.
This broad old FSR soon narrowed.
An open view of the Cheam Range while passing under the power lines.
Massive boulders dotted the forest.
There's a well worn path beside these decrepit stairs. For the most part, they're not reliable to walk on.
Most of the rock was moist, therefore slippery.
At the first viewpoint and the end of the grind. The snow-topped Breakenridge Mountains are a backdrop to Harrison Lake with Long Island in the middle. The pointed low pointy peak to the left of the island is where the new replica of the old Harrison fire look-out tower is located.
Clover needs a rest from all that uphill.
It was another km to the lake from the viewpoint. Again we had to take careful steps here because the rocks were moist.
From the first viewpoint to the lake its a fairly minimal elevation gain.
1) 2 frog egg masses
Just past the lake we did a sharp turn, staying right at the junction. This is Harrison River with Judge Howay to the right -- northwest. My All Trails app told me to go left at the second junction past the lake, by the power lines. But the view on the lake was partially obscured and where was group #1?
So we backtracked just a bit to the second-fork-since-the-lake and went right and soon were there.
Judge Howay to the left, Sasquatch ski slopes to the right with Mt. Klaudt (1200m) to the very right -- northwest to north.
Breakenridge Range (1950m), Long Island, Old Settler (1800m), Echo Island & Slollicum Mt (1500m) -- northeast to east.
Group 1: Sonia, Sheri, Denise, Aman, Tracey, Irene, Cal, Gary, Grant + Lorenz. Jan & Jayne had turned back at the first viewpoint.
When I approached the group they were all in snooze mode, facing the this view. I had to say "Hi" twice before they heard me. And then it was mayhem. Everybody saying "hi" to eachother at the same time. The poor young couple who'd pitched their tent and hammock there thought they had found the ideal spot for a nice quiet get-away. Thankfully they found it rather entertainmenting.
Group 2: Ingrid, Don, Michelle, Poebe, me, Linda, Wayne, Liz, Manfred, Glen + Alex
Echo Island -- east
Heading back after a relaxing lunch break. Its hard to differentiate the reflections from the forest.
On the way back a few braved the log which is about 5' above the ground.
Cheam, Lady, Knight, Baby Munday & Foley Peaks.