Oct. 27, 2023 - Buntzen Lake Recreational Area in Port Moody
Stats: 16.6 km / 911m gain / 575m high point / 5:05 hours MT
Winter had descended overnight, making the higher hikes less accessible. So 13 of us headed for the hills above Buntzen Lake on a crisp, cool sunny day. We did this loop counter-clockwise. Of the ten viewpoints, only three are not overgrown.

We parked at the south end of the oblong Buntzen Lake and then took the Buntzen Lake trail along the east side of the lake that runs parallel to Powerhouse Rd (9:30am).
This 3.6 km long tunnel (built in 1903), connects the Coquitlam and Buntzen Lake reservoirs. The tunnel was driven through solid granite beneath the 1300m high Eagle Ridge. Using water from this tunnel, the Buntzen #1 powerhouse produced Vancouver's first supply of hydroelectric power. The Buntzen #2 powerplant was added in 1915. In 1951 Buntzen #1 was completely rebuilt. Today both plants continue to supply power to the lower mainland.

Crossing the new suspension bridge at the north end of the lake.

Buntzen Lake.

After the bridge we turned right and continued along the west side of the much smaller McCombe Lake, on the Old Buntzen Lake trail. About halfway down the lake, after passing two junctions to the Lakeview trails, we turned left onto the Diez Vista trail.
The trail now began to gain altitude quickly, taking us to the ridge. But its not as steep as if we would've done the loop clockwise.

There were minor ups & downs all along the ridge.

At viewpoint #5 we got are first far-reaching views of Vancouver and Indian Arm. We should've gone just a bit farther down the ridge into the sun but it was already 12:30, three hours since we'd started and we were hungry. Thanks so much Sonia for the Halloween treats and the sip of Fireball to warm the innards!

Group shot: Back row, left to right: Danny G, Patrick R, Don F, Ingrid F, Elizabeth B, Charlotte H, Monique S, John McL, Frank B
Front row: Susan V, Sonia J, Heather F & me

Viewpoint #3

Jugg Island in the foreground.

Viewpoint #1 offered the best vistas. Deep Cove and Mt. Seymour were right across from us to the west.

Starting the descent to the flats.

We took a left turn at this loop to the Buntzen Lake viewpoint -- east. From there it was a pretty steep drop.

As we were waiting to regroup at the Lakeview trail junction close to the bridge, Sonia & I wandered a teeny bit farther and saw what Sonia called, the mushroom family. We're always into photo ops and this was a good one.

Crossing at the south end of the lake.

As we were waiting for three more on the other side of the bridge, close to the parking lot, we eventually realized they must've taken a wrong turn on Pump House Rd. Charlotte did a fast hike back, all the while us yelling. Sure enough, she found them going the opposite way down the road. Ingrid said she thought she was following Sonia and then realized that the lady was not Sonia!
