March 22 Neil, officially named Cornelis Johannes Josephus, was born. Here he's just a few days old. All of our grandbabies seem to be born in waves of three. These three are all 6 months apart in age.
1) Gerrit was proud to give me the tour on grandfriends day at school.
2) Roger plays with some of the turkey chicks that Nathan & Camille are growing.

Its easy for Roger & Amy to walk through the field to Opa & Oma's house.

Amy is eating her favorite healthy snack.

Roger is doing his best, hoping to win the Save-On foods Easter coloring contest.

Jeanette was with us for 2 weeks this past month. Hank likes the toy I bought him for his very first birthday. He loves music. I sing to him constantly.

His brothers also like the new toy.
Zoe's third birthday.
Renee hosted 3 parties for Zoe. One for each family and then one for her friends.
These two cousins are inseparable. The worst of enemies and the best of friends. Julianne (Corwin in female form), is 5 months younger than Zoe. She loves to sneak around at parties and eat the food.

Neil is now 2 months old. Where does time go??? He's growing so fast.

The couple in the back was visiting from Holland and had parked their motorhome by Nick & Renee for the night.

The best part...

Natalie (7 months old) is so wired and a ball of energy. She loves to smile and stick her tongue out.

The next day Renee had a third party. Want a challenge? Try to get six wiggling little girls to look at the camera at the same time.

Two days before Mothers Day, instead of the usual beer & pizza for our work personnel, Corwin organized it that everyone could make hanging baskets or potted flower combos.

The dedicated nursery crew (+ Camille).

Having the traditional "tea" with puffies on Oma's new picnic table.

Birch Bay - June 15

This beach is just west of Lynden. I'd never been there before.

I helped the boys find crabs & worms under rocks.

May 21 - Neil's baptism at 2 months of age.

Lunch at Corwin & Christina's after church.

Julianne found her way to the food again.

A new batch of kittens.

May 22- Victoria Day = the traditional extended family barbecue at Hicks Lake east of Harrison Lake.

But after weeks of sun & heat, the weather decided to change. Hence the small crowd. It was just too cold and wet for the little children to hang around long. Jerry hung up this large tarp which came in very handy.

It was Lara's 51st birthday this day. The tradition started about 45 years ago because my family had so many birthdays in May so my parents decided to celebrate them all in one day.

The propane burner gave us much needed warmth.

Two sisters + a daughter. Thanks Wendy for baking Lara's birthday cake.
May 28 - Neighbourhood Potluck

Corwin organized this annual neighbourhood potluck at our house. Usually our children host these gatherings once a month as an evening event. There's always lots to talk about and catch up on.

Almost all of our immediate neighbours are of dutch descent & East Indian, with the exception of Joe who's from Italy. We're so thankful for our wonderful neighbours.