June 30, 2021 -- Stats: 11.5 km / 950m gain / 1890m high
This is a familiar annual snowshoe route so it's not as often that we do it when most of the snow has melted. It was a hot day so 5 of us women decided ahead of time to split off at the saddle and head for the lake instead of the Needle's rocky summit.

The first sweaty steep hour through the forest.

Our destination in sight to the right.

Ascending the ridge to the saddle. The Needle Peak in the background.

Looking back at Yak -- north.

Markhor & the Needle Peaks -- east & southeast.

Looking back at Vicuna & Guanaco to the left and Yak to the right -- north.

Almost at the saddle with the Needle to our left and Flat Iron to our right.

Looking back again.

No, that's not the Needle's summit. Just the first hump leading to it. This is where our group of 12 split up.

We had to drop down on the ridge leading to Flat Iron before climbing up again. These are the North Cascades Mts. -- south.

Gaining altitude once again.

Broad smooth rock leading up to the lake. Jim Kelly + Coquihalla Mt. to the left.

Now we could see the double peaks of the Needle.

At the lake which was still mostly frozen.

A small tarn with the lake flowing into it.

Looking down on the lake -- southeast.

Stayed right along the rocky ledge.

Almost there.

We didn't waste any time taking off our boots at the summit and soaking in the small tarns. No ice there. They were like bathtubs. After testing two, Irene told us we shouldn't. Our sun-screened skin and detergent washed clothes disrupts their delicate ecosystem.
From northwest to north to east to south.

1) Small-flowered Penstemon 2) Indian Paintbrush 3) Heather 5) Shrubby Penstemon

Group shot: Denise, Brigette, me, Irene + Sonia. Clustered together in the one strip of shade cast by the radio tower.

Sonia started it. Smacked Brigette right in the back of the head. It was quite entertaining.

Girl power.

Heading back. The Needle Peak is only 90m higher than Flat Iron's. But the elevation gain is almost the same because of the dip in the ridge leading up to Flat Iron.

Back at the lake.

Irene didn't last more than a few seconds before her feet and shins went numb.

Sonia has the reputation for swimming in alpine lakes. But she blew us away when she submerged completely in water that was the temperature of ice.

Black slime.

Heading down from the saddle.

Sonia & Denise glissading before the snow ran out.

Denise standing under the dripping awning to cool off. They'd had a sprinkler running on the roof for most of the day. Those icecreams tasted sooo good.