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Writer's pictureJocelyn Timmermans

Flat Iron

Aug. 3, 2023 - Coquihalla Summit Recreational Area

Stats: 12 km / 950m gain / 1898m high / 4:45 hours MT

This is a traditional winter excursion for our club, seldom done without snowshoes. So being at the defrosted tarn nestled in the smooth granite slopes leading up to the Flat Iron, was a treat. Irene even took a swim!

The first hour or so to the viewpoint was quite steep -- northeast.

Lama, Alpaca, Vicuna + Guanaco Peaks -- northwest.

Yak Peak as seen from Hwy. 5.

Past the first viewpoint, the grade mellows somewhat and views open up to the Needle on our left -- southeast.

Trudging up the ridge that leads to the saddle between the Needle & Flat Iron.

Flat Iron to the right.

A break before turning right and dropping down on the ridge connecting to Flat Iron.

This rock cairn with sign is new.

Starting the downward section.

At the tarn, on the upward slope.

Looking back (east) at The Needle which is only 211m higher than Flat Iron. But it involves more scrambling.

Negotiating another steep slope.

Group shot: Patrick R, Ingrid F, Irene H, Denise D, me, Dave S, Joe K, Bill W

This is what happens when the person behind the lens asks you for a goofy photo.

The smaller tarns at the flat summit had dried up. But not this one which was a bit further to the east side of the summit -- north.

We met Joe K up there. He took his plastic bag and did a bit of glissading on what snow there was.



We spent a bit of time relaxing back at the tarn.

Irene taking a dip.

I walked around the tarn.

Fireleaf Leptarrhena


The last 10 minutes to get back up onto the saddle, were quite steep. From the saddle to the cars it was all downhill -- north.


Looking back at the Needle. It looks naked without snow.

Ahhh! We were finally feasting on those icecream bars we longingly anticipating during the return journey (at restrooms & truckers' stop by exit 217).

Ignore the straight lines.

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