Feb. 10, 2024 - Manning Park
Stats: 9.5 km / 170m gain / 1283m high
Gary intended this to be a snowshoe but because we stayed low on a more popular trail and there was no new snow, micro-spikes worked fine. This was a relaxing easy loop round Lightening Lake, one that alot of us don't normally do. So it was a pleasant change.

We did the loop clockwise. This view is from the east side of the lake, looking west towards the canoe rental shop.

We did not cross Rainbow bridge, but continued south on a less used footpath. It was my first time on that part of the trail.

The lake is L-shaped -- southwest.

A forest filled with spruce trees.

No fear of an avalanche. There just wasn't enough snow.

Just over an hour and 4 km later, we parked at the west end of the lake for lunch.

Group shot, back row, left to right: Janet (guest), Johnny G, Ingrid F, Sandra (guest), Lonja B, Denise D, me
Front row: Irene H, Gary B, Sheryl H, Margaret T

Starting the other half of the loop. Just past this bridge the trail goes left to Flash, Strike and then Thunder Lakes. We turned right.

From the bridge, it looks like we were almost back. But looks can be deceiving. The trail angled to the unseen left, proving to be longer that expected.

I'd never seen the picnic tables exposed in the dead of winter before. Soon we turned onto a wide nordic-ski road that went past the Lone Duck campsite before turning right, back into the forest along the lakeshore.

Almost back.

Thanks Gary for coordinating this day (and for the valentines chocolates at lunch time).

We all ended the excursion with goodies and further fellowship at the Blue Moose in Hope.