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Writer's pictureJocelyn Timmermans

Mt. Kelly

Jan. 30 - This was a snowshoe by Allison Pass in Manning Park.

Stats: 9.3 km / 700m gain / 1910m high

We parked in front of the gates by the maintenance sheds at Allison Pass and then crossed the highway.

We soon got onto this old FSR which led to a southern viewpoint.

A small avalanche slope.

The Three Bros. - NE

We continued on past the summit and dropped a steep 50m to the ridge where we continued for a short bit to this hump where the views were more open. Mt. Norheim is the two humps to the right at the end of this ridge. One could continue to it but it'd make for a very long day. Group shot: Lori, Janice, Johnny, Karen & me

Views from the SW to NW. The pointy Hozameens to the left (top pic). Mt Outram bottom centre.

Heading back down.

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