May 23, 2024 - Mission
Stats: 7.5 km / 595m gain / 474m high point / 2:50 hours MT
I hesitate to call this a moderate hike. Although its not a long hike, it still involved a straight stretch of over 300m of steep rough ascent, making it a bit more challenging. Views overlook Deroche, Dewdney, Mission and even the Westminster Abby.

A bit too chilly for that this day.

The naturalist's campsite on the beach.

During the 2021 atmospheric rivers, a large portion of this bank slid away.
After following alongside Norrish Creek, we turned right to connect with the main Raven's Bluff trail.

A flat section in amoungst the ferns before the steep ascent.

There are six viewpoints along the Bluffs trail. Some are numbered. This was the third one. The first two were overgrown.

Norrish Slough, Mission and the Westminster Abby up on the hill to the right.

At the T-junction by the fallen log, we turned left, leaving the Raven's Bluff trail. The steepest part was now behind us.
This tiny cabin is one of six shelter-cabins built by Wulf Pirang. He also built the Dewdney Grind cabin, for the Von Hardenburg family who had lost their youngest of six sons in 2003. Ben died in a helicopter firefighting mission. They were neighbouring farmers in Dewdney.

Sumas Mt. to the left with the brown waters of the Fraser River at its base.

We arrived at the paragliders launch only 10-minutes past the cabin.

Group shot: me, Christine Foell, Cal F, Sue A, Lonja B
Back row: Lorenz B, Peter F, Christine C
Case T & our guest from Australia, Harry VanPraag had taken the shorter route, remaining on the Bluff trail that led to the last viewpoint.

Returning by way of the same trail.

Lonja was the only one who braved crossing over on this log.

Back at the T-junction we stayed left (straight), continuing on the Raven's Bluff trail to the final two viewpoints. These flowers were fresh. Sheri Kampman and friends in her group named the "Hiker Babes", hauled pieces of wood up and assembled this bench in honour of Wanda who passed away in 2018. They hiked this trail regularily.

At the 5th viewpoint the views had shifted to the south.

Rock Harlequin - I rarely see these on local hikes.

At the 6th and final viewpoint overlooking Sumas Prairie in the distance. Cloud-cover hid Mt. Baker, Tomyhoi & Slesse from us.

Western Springbeauty

Back at the fifth where Lorenz & Cal had decided to relax here while us women went a bit farther to the sixth.

Back on the flat stretch that followed alongside the creek.
Honeysuckle Wood's Rose

This is a busy track. While we were having our half-an-hour tail-gate social, two long trains zoomed by.

Case & Harry had been waiting only 5-minutes for us. Good timing.

Sunset from our home the night before.