1) Rocky Point Falls: Stats: 3 km / 169m gain / 229m high / 1:08 MT
We opted for two waterfalls on this very wet day. Both were new ones for me, close to Rolley Lake which is located between Alouette & Stave Lakes in Mission. Both trails have the option to extend the hike by hiking round the lakes.

We parked just past the bridge, having turned right off of Florence FSR onto Rocky Point FSR.
The trail was well marked and rose steeply along the falls.

The falls led to Sayres Lake where there were scattered remains of a cabin. Most of it had been washed out to a log jam at the top of the falls where it drains from the lake.
Decending again.

Careful steps. The wet roots were very slippery.

Back at the parking lot.

Sayres Lake on top and Stave Lake on bottom. There is a nice campground there by expansive beaches on Stave Lake.
2) Rolley Lake Falls trail: stats: 2.2 km loop / 141m gain / 267m high / 45 minutes MT
