Jan. 2, 2023 -- 13.7 km / 735m gain / 750m high / 4 hours MT
This trail in Mission is also known as the 79 Grind. It's a great moderate workout, climbing 595m on a steep trail to the lookout over Stave Lake.
With the holiday festivities behind my back, I could now focus on training for the Routeburn backpack in New Zealand in a few weeks. But I had to stick to snow-free trails because of my fractured finger and inability to use two poles. This trail fit the criteria.
There's a short steep side-trial down to Fiddlehead Falls.

This was the only blow-down spot that we had to walk around after crossing an FSR.

At the bend just after this boardwalk, do not go straight on the side-trail to get to the viewpoint. Instead, go a bit higher to where little blue flags on metal wires line the trail.

At the lower viewpoint, overlooking Stave Lake and dam (to the right).

The Breakenridge Mountains to the left -- northeast.

Mt. Baker -- southeast.

A small bench.

In 2 hours we arrived at our destination, the platform. What a pleasant surprise, a new outhouse!

Making a team effort to train for our upcoming trip.

Breakenridge mountains (1950m).



Mt. St. Benedict (1050m) -- southeast.

These two cheery sisters were so excited to be there, it being their first time.
We strapped on our micro-spikes and continued down the FSR to Florence Lake FSR. This was a longer route but Wendy preferred to take the more gradual grade down. There was no snow coming up the 79 Grind, just a bit before the platform.

Devils Lake to the side and Stave Lake in lower right corner. We walked 3 km on Florence Lake FSR to get back to my car.
I will be looking forward to see your photos of the Routeburn track, I did it back in 1975 when I was travelling and working in New Zealand for a year. I am sure it has changed a bit, but some of those spectacular views will always be crystallized in the back of my mind. It is such a beautiful hike....you will love it!