Stats: 12.2 km / 1020m elevation gain / 819m high / 4.10 hours MT
This is one of two peaks in Sumas Mt. Regional Park. It is 143m lower than Sumas Peak.

Within an hour I arrived at the first viewpoint overlooking Sumas Prairie. This stretch of trail is called the Abby Grind. Its very familiar to me and I'm not the only one; joggers & hikers alike use this trail for a quick workout. In 2 km you gain 440m! View southwest.
View south. Vedder Mt. to the left.
On the Abby Grind section of trail, I was constantly stepping off trail to let people pass (social distancing). As I was waiting I noticed this little squirrel, just a few feet away from me, just sitting there. Lower left: My first 2020 sighting of a purple Trilium. Lower right: Star-flowered False Salmon Seal
Once past the viewpoint it was much more peaceful, I passed only 2 groups of people. The second was a pleasant surprise: 2 members from our Chilliwack Outdoor Club. Yes, we miss each other, having formed strong bonds from doing day hikes together and international trips. There was oodles of Oregon Grapes along this stretch. Also the grade was not a constant up, but had several dips in it.

The trail was in good shape, cleared of dead-fall.

This tree tunnel was in a dark dense dip. Shortly after this I arrived at a deactivated FSR where I turned left and followed it round the bend.
Once round the bend, stay right at the junction (there's an old sign up in the tree). Soon the dirt road turns back into a trail.
The little squirrel on the right was mad at me for disturbing his solitude. He followed me a bit and then darted away, while uttering a continuous tirade of rebuke.

View northwest of the Fraser River from the summit.
View east of the Fraser River. There's a dirt road leading to this micro-wave tower but the yellow gate is locked.

View south.

Heading back.

Viewpoint halfway down the Abby Grind. Sumas River & the Cheam Range.

A very well-worn path.
