August 2021
Once a month Corwin leads a company meeting with our foremen: Simon, Daryl, Micheal, Terry, Kyle, Jon, Cole, Nick, Micheal and Doug. Stacey runs the potted plants section in the nursery and Eleanor is our head secretary. Absent were Joachim who runs the tree section of the nursery and Richard who runs the maintenance crew. After about an hour of presentation and discussion, we served barbecued chicken and beer.
Evening with a red sun set in a red-tinted hazey sky thanks to the forest fires. Even the lily pads are shriveled up on the edges from the heat.
In the morning I woke to see this monsterous backhoe digging in our front yard pond. I wasn't too happy with hubby (who was out of town fishing). This pond remains an object of contention between the two of us. Yes, he enjoys fishing and Amy loves catching frogs, but yes it is a major safety hazard when it comes to our grandchildren, it being 6' deep in the centre (and now thanks to the backhoe, even deeper). Our grandchildren have the Timmermans genes. If you tell them not to, its just that much more exciting to cross that line.
We haven't sold these trees yet so we get to eat the apples.
Our nursery. There's a constant flow of come and go. We buy the plants as plugs or 4" pots and transfer them to 1or 2 gallon pots and watch them grow... We do not sell retail but use these plants for our company's landscape projects which are mostly commercial. With 30 acres in trees, we use about 50% of our own plants on the job sites.
One of two green houses.
Camille painted this sign. Between her and the neighbour girl and Corwin, they've made this their little project. Corwin planted rows of squash, corn and cucumbers between the rows of trees in the nursery.
They don't get to pick anything for their booth out of my garden which I share with Camille & Nathan. This front half is mine.
These following photos are of various jobsites and were taken in 2019 by the people that work for our company.
Case used to be in partnership with his brother, Erik. But about 12 years ago Erik chose to sell out to us. Soon after that our son, Corwin became a shareholder in our company.
This was probably a Work Safe morning so Corwin arranged to have this guy come in and make breakfast for everyone. Waffles and fresh strawberries. Yum!
Every Friday after work we have beer & pizza. And the kids have a great time playing together in Gerrits yard which is right by the office.
This is Case's favorite way of getting rid of the dead trees in the nursery.
Ryan's shop. Now we have two mechanics; our son, Nathan is Ryan's right-hand man.
Every year Corwin raises heifers or pigs and then has them butchered when the grass stops growing and then hands the meat out to the workers. John (right pic) is our maintenance guy.
Morgan & Stacey work fulltime in the nursery.
Another load dug up and ready to go.
Work Safe again.
This is 3-pic slider. Corwin got offered a free helicopter ride from one of our suppliers. He gave it to Stacey & Eleanor. Its the first time they were ever in an aircraft!
Our arborist crew.
Yes, we do have women landscaping too. Case says the guys work harder then.
Our foremen: Cole, Corwin, Jon, Micheal, Doug + Nick (son-in-law). Nick is the odd one out - he's a megatronic engineer.
Alot of the commercial sites involve hard-scaping. 2) How to get a bobcat into a tight space...
I guess Christina figured if she wanted to spend some time with her husband, she'd have to go to work with him.
Terry Wood was in charge of building this rock wall (along with the landscaping).
Yorkson is a huge multi-year project in Langley. Our company was also in charge of building the playground.
This video was taken probably about 7 years ago. I just had to post it. Every time I watch it I have to laugh.
What to do on a winter day when you can't work because of the snow? 4x4 to Clearcreek Hotsprings!