Oct. 15 - Squamish
Stats: 15.2 km / 1215m gain / 1758m high / 3:20 hours to Demon Peak
In an effort to escape the incessant smokey haze in the Fraser Valley, we headed west to the ocean. It turned out to be a good choice. There was a slight smell of smoke but the skies remained clear all day. It was hard to believe we were halfway through October, with temperatures rising up to 28C in the afternoon.
This wasn't just a hiking trip. It also involved two hours & 20 km of 4x4ing, starting on Mamquam River FSR and then turning left by 9-mile bridge onto Skookum Creek FSR. After crossing the river on the bridge, the road gets rather rough, especially the final downward slope just before the parking lot. Thanks to Peter & Rob for helping make this excursion happen, by using their 4x4s. We weren't so sure we'd even make it to the FSR, the way Case's truck kept stalling on the freeway. But it seemed to like the rough road better and by 10:00am we were on the trail.

The last time I did this hike was in 2018. The cabin at the lake was built in 2016 by the FMCBC. This outhouse at the trailhead was a pleasant surprise.

Almost at the intersection to Demon Ridge. Of our group of 13, four decided to take the shorter lower route to the lake on the Watersprite trail, which was our return route.

Looking towards Squamish -- southwest.

Garabaldi Mt (2580m) -- northwest.


Mamquam Mt (2490m) -- northeast.


The overgrown FSR soon ended after this photo. The track on our GPSs also ended. A faint route took it's place as we entered the subalpine, looking for markers along the way (mostly pink flags).

Garabadli to Mamquam -- northwest to northeast.

This was the most beautiful view. From here we were on more rocky terrain.


Group shot: Carolyn H, Ling S, Charlotte H, Kathy U, Elizabeth B, Karl V, Pedro, Peter F, me
Missing are: Shannon & Rob B, Darlene G, Case T who took the lower route.
We were almost at the summit here, but had to wait for a hiker so decided to have our lunch before summiting. It was only another 15 minutes to the summit.

Watersprite Lake below us.

At Demon Peak (1758m).


I'd never been this close to Mamquam Mt. I felt privileged.
From the peak a small green sign and pink ribbons marked the way to the lake.

Looking back on Mamquam Mt.
It was a steep 300m drop to Watersprite Lake from the peak, on an often narrow & slanted rough path.


By the time we got to the lake (3:45pm), the mountain shadow was covering most of its water.
The other four hikers had just left the lake 15 minutes prior to us arriving there. Later we met within 15 minutes at the parking lot.

There is a campsite at the base of the Watersprite Tower (1740m).

The hut was empty and locked up but we encountered several groups of hikers coming up on our way down.

I was so impressed with this outhouse that I just had to get a photo of it. Not only did it look nice, but it smelled nice! It was so clean and notice it even has a handle on the lid!

The first short stretch of downhill from the lake was steep.

Soon we crossed this section of boulders before entering the forest.

A lonely and only blooming flower on the trai: Western Spring Beauty. l. I wouldn't count the Pearly Everlasting and fluffy Fireweed going into seed, a bloom.

The boulder slope.

Looking back.
A poof of wind and the white fluff would go flying. At one point it looked like it was snowing.

This long stretch of talus slope looks to be the remains of a big landslide once upon a time.

Nature's art.

It was a relief to get off of the boulder slope and onto the overgrown FSR once again.
We got back to the parking lot at 6:30pm, just before it began to get dark.
Once we got back to the highway, we decided not to go out for dinner. It was 8:00pm and we were all sticky, dirty & tired. So off to a drive-through and got home 10:30pm. A long but wonderful day.

For some odd reason my Garmin66i decided to quit tracking after the tourquoise line. So I drew the track in. Ignore those red arrows. We did the loop clockwise, turning left onto the Demon Ridge trail which is the tourquoise line.