In 1932 the governments of Canada and the US linked the two parks as the world's first International Peace Park. And in 1995 this park again gained global recognition as a World Heritage Site.
Hike #1: Crypt Lake -- 17 km / 675m gain / 2.5 hours to the lake, 1 hr roaming round the lake + 2 hrs descending. The Prince of Wales hotel overlooking Waterton Lake. Access to this trail was by boat.
Climbing through the 60' long tunnel was tricky. It was quite narrow.
2) The top part of Crypt waterfall was falling up and not down due to the strong winds.
It felt good to dip our feet into the cold water of Waterton Lake.
Hike day 2: Carthew - Anderson trail -- 19 km / 700m gain
This is a one way hike, starting at Cameron Lake and ending in the town.
There were 6 lakes on this hike. The last one was a deep royal blue color.
The third day we left the others because Robbin could only get enough reservations for the 3 day backpack trip for 4. So we drove the Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier NP and did 2 more hikes. This 50 mile road was completed in the 1930s. In 1996 it was designated a National Historic Landmark. It is closed in the winter.
We first hiked a few km on the Garden Wall trail but it ran parallel to the highway so we went back and skipped across the road to the the visitor centre.
Hike #3: Hidden Lakes trail right by the Logan Pass visitor centre (2025m).
There was alot of wildlife on this trail. We saw about 10 mountain goats that were not at all shy of humans.
Sunift Gorge.
Hike #4: Styeh Pass -- 16.5 km / 678m gain
This was a one way hike, with much more elevation loss than gain.
Bear Grass.
2462m high